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In a world where family is under such attack, this book will help you learn to love  the idea of family. So many people never had a father, or had an abusive father. Many are trying to raise a family alone. Regardless of your situation, let my life bless yours. This is not a "how to" book. It is full of true stories that took place over eighteen years of raising five kids and my heart as a father. 

righteous at last

One of the greatest challenges for believers today is to understand just how God truly sees them. How do you look to God? What is your true identity in Christ? Is God truly well pleased with you? How would your life change if you understood your true identity in Christ? Then you will want to read Dr. Hay's book.


His book is in English & Spanish.



This beautifully written memoir-essay explores the realities of Papa God s love for you, your identity as His beloved child and heir, and the transformation of your vision of yourself, others, and world events that this revelation of your place in the divine family brings.



There are various baptisms in regard to our walk with God: salvation, water, fire. But there is one baptism that is largely overlooked, and even unrecognized. This baptism brings the greatest healing and freedom to every believer that has experienced it, a Baptism of Father God's love. There are only a few people in this world that truly understand what it means to be loved unconditionally. The rest have no idea what it is to receive and enjoy a love without strings attached, without preconditions or without a pre-nuptial agreement. It is love that only our heavenly Father can give. Let the words and spirit of this book sink in deep as you read it, and get to know your Father and His amazing love for you.

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